This blog is all about art, about some of my works, some pieces that I make and about my personal opinion about what some other cool people do. So, I decided to expand the blog themes, because art is a terrifically abstract concept where almost everything could fit in. For me, art is something that betters someone’s day or makes them think, something that could fascinates them, or maybe even scares them. Art is something about the way in which you see life, the way you relax and the way you work. Summing it up, art is everything that makes you actually feel something. So, there’s a lot of stuff that could fit in in this description of mine, don’t you think? I’m truly addicted to TV series. It’s the way I relax at the end of the day and sometimes, when they are really good, they inspire me, and from my point of view they totally fit in this category. So I decided to talk about some of them, the ones I watched, am currently watching or intent to, and in this way, share...
All Forms of Art provides you reviews from TV shows, movies, and books, helping you to choose what will be your next piece of entertainment.