Equinox is a Danish horror show full of mystery and surprises. A small town, secrets, rituals, supernatural creatures… everybody looks a bit insane at some point. Speaking of rituals, why do they need to be disgusting? I mean, that egg! Inconsistencies While I truly liked the show, there were a few inconsistencies that I can’t avoid. The whole drama happens in the 90s. The class of 99 disappears, yet most references are from the 80s. Why? No clue. Music The kids are into punk music. Well, it is okay, you don’t always follow what is trendy, right? However, there is a scene in the music store, where you can see a Queen poster on the wall (yes, the British rock band). For fans like me, the photo in the poster is well known, from the beginning of the 80s. Technology Again, the tech used by the kids seems outdated. They are listening to music on cassettes. Yes, I remember to do it too, but it wasn’t the most common. Besides, I have a different question: Why no one has a ...
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