Coco was the Christmas Eve movie last year. It could be surprising. It has nothing to do with Christmas, or does it? It is a beautiful story about love, family, and… music. Miguel, the main character, wants to be a musician, but his family has banned music from their lives for a few generations now. How to live without music? Latin culture and family Disney and Pixar focused on different cultures around the world to tell their stories. This is, most probably, one of the reasons why their movies are so popular in so many different places. In Coco , Pixar chooses a vibrant cultural background and, in my opinion, the most unexpected of their traditions to a children’s movie: the day of the dead ( Dia De Los Muertos ). It was adorable to see how bonded can be a traditional Mexican family, helping their elderly and demanding responsibilities from everyone in the house. I think that what was more surprising after all was the fact that the m...
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