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Showing posts from March, 2018


This is one of those shows that everyone watched at least an episode of while they were zapping on their TV. I’m one of those people who didn’t immediately get into it, only having watched a couple episodes from the first seasons but never exactly having watched the whole show. When I found it on Netflix , I decided to give it a try. The show is obviously good, but at some point, I was tired of it and stopped watching for a while (8 seasons in a row is just too much). When I started it back up, I was able to follow through and finish it, however, I didn’t have the same level of interest as before… The puzzles are the best part of the show, of that I have no doubt. But I felt that it does lack something. In the beginning, I felt like we should get to know the team better, as actual people, their personal life, their tastes, their problems, their motivations, and doubts, but then… I didn’t like it when that actually started to happen. I can’t explain why, if it was...

Jurassic World

First of all, I must put this out there: I’m probably not that impartial towards this movie. Second: I loved it. It’s not perfect, but I do kind of love it regardless. I remember Jurassic Park , I watched it when I was a kid, my first time in a theater with my cousins on what was a really nice day, one that stuck with some of my fondest memories. That’s maybe one of the reasons I like it so much… Watching this one, now as an adult, with my husband, was a strange way of recalling that day and it was pretty good. The movie will make you laugh, jump and roll your eyes at different points. It’s not exactly mysterious, you know from the very beginning that, eventually, all hell will break loose, and at some points, you can even imagine how or why. But surprisingly, this didn’t seem to take the interest out of the story. These movies, with so much need for CGI, and such impossibilities, can always leave you thinking “would this somehow be possible?”, yet, in this case, I...