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Review - Locke and Key: Horror Fantasy in Safe Mode

Locke and Key is a story about a murder. A grieving family, running away from memories, goes to live in a small town in an old family house. In this house, they find a group of magic keys with all sorts of powers.

I had a good time watching Locke and Key. It is interesting, full of mystery, and entertaining. Yet, there isn’t much more to take from the show. In many points, it is shallow.

Checking some reviews, I realized that there isn’t a consensus about this one at all. There are the ones who loved it, and the ones who hated it. Some people think the actors were amazing; others believe they were terrible. Well, the show is fun, and the actors have an average quality. I can’t see the reason for such a fuss. 


It is a horror story, but it lacks something to be considered that way. They were very safe in their choices and decisions, and it isn’t as creepy as it should. Entering someone’s mind? Flying around dead in the garden? They manage to make it all look like a children’s play. 

When they found the first keys and started playing with them, you’ll always expect for something going seriously wrong. After a while, you don’t think that anymore. It lacks some suspense.

The main story, especially ignoring the magic keys and what each one of them does, is about loss. The family is grieving, and the show explores the way each one of them finds to overcome their loss.

On the horror side, you lack a good villain. Dodge, the spectrum in the house, obsessed with the keys, is not convincing. Sam Lesser, the murderer of Mr. Locke - much better villain than Dodge - is not as explored as he should by the story. He becomes a simple tool for Dodge.

The Keyhouse

The old family house has a name, the Keyhouse. Every good old haunted house deserves one, right? It makes sense for us, as soon as we know about the keys. Yet, the other characters, not aware of the magic, don’t seem especially curious about the name of the house…

When the family moves, everyone in town seems to know already that they are coming. It is kind of creepy, but again not very well explored. When you finish watching the show, you have a few loose ends, not that necessary for the story, but kind of annoying.

The keys are obviously the protagonist. It is exciting to uncover the mystery of each one of them, no doubt. Yet, I couldn’t avoid the feeling that only children would think of trying every key with no concerns. Clearly, many of them can be quite dangerous. 

The world of the magic keys is not open to adults. Even if they try a key, they will forget everything that happens. So convenient. Nonetheless, Mr. Locke’s friend, Ellie, remembers, and we never have an explanation for that. The best we get is, “we found a way to remember.” Can’t you share it with the class?


Nina Locke is an interesting character that, like many others, wasn’t very well explored. Her husband was killed, and she moved with the kids, trying to give them a normal life. That’s it. We have a few glimpses of who she is, a couple of minutes in a couple of episodes, but no more. 

While her kids deal with grieve in different ways, facing - or avoiding - the fateful day, she… is around. She never seems to contribute much to the development of the story. Yet she has an interesting one of herself.

She struggles with sobriety, the loss of her husband and the fact of her life became abruptly upside down. This is a lot. The focus is on the kids and the keys, I get it, but Nina could bring more depth to the show.


The end of the show was predictable. It was evident that someone would be hit by whatever those things were. Not necessarily the girl, though. I, personally, thought it would be Scot. 

Despite being fun to watch, Locke and Key lacks something. The whole story seems to be written by convenience - what was more convenient to happen now? Sometimes, you feel that the writers don’t have a plan. There are a lot of unexplained facts. Some of them seemed to be the way they are because it was convenient to get the story going.

Locke and Key has more potential than it showed.
