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David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet - review


A Life on Our Planet is a touching and compelling testimonial by David Attenborough. He is probably one of the men who better know our world. I used to watch his documentaries since I was a little girl. Now, once more, I was fascinated by the experiences (and warnings) Sir Attenborough has to us.

This documentary shows how everything is connected in the wild world and how one single action can be disastrous to it - even before you notice it. In fact, he tells us how he had no idea of the pieces of evidence that were right in front of his eyes when he was younger. 

Wilderness is his home

David Attenborough is a legend of biology, and his voice makes us travel. It is magnificent the way he is willingly sharing with us his amazing experience within the natural world. It fascinates me.

Did you know that the mass destruction that ended the dinosaurs wasn’t a unique event? It was the 5th time that our planet witnessed the destruction of entire ecosystems. I had no idea.

The decline of the world in a lifetime

In this film, Attenborough assumes the position of a mediator between the human race and nature. He warns us of how our choices can have such an extreme impact on our world.

This is an emotional and sad testimonial. It gives us some very powerful images that will, perhaps for the first time, give you the real notion of what we did to this Earth. 

It is quite terrifying what is expecting us in the near future if we keep going down this road. Yet, David Attenborough is an optimistic, and that’s the best part of the documentary. He is not only making sound the horn of Apocalypse as many others. He gives solutions, practical and doable solutions. He inspires us to take the right path. 

Let’s start now!

There is still time to stop the destruction. There is still time to recover. But not much.

I think that those who are still not giving the attention the climate crisis deserves should keep in mind this powerful message:

“This is not about saving our planet. This is about saving ourselves.”

It’s time to start working on that. 
