Cunk on Earth is a satirical television show presented by the comedian Diane Morgan as the character Philomena Cunk. This mockumentary explores a wide range of historical and cultural topics in a humorous and irreverent style, as only Morgan could do.
The show covers a large branch of subjects. Each episode focuses on a different historical period or cultural phenomenon, from Cave Men to World War. While some topics are given more depth than others, the show generally does a good job of providing a broad overview while still managing to insert plenty of jokes and asides.
It is a clever show that can simultaneously deliver many laughs and absurdities and some actual facts about human history.
A unique brand of humor
Humor is the first thing that comes to mind when considering Cunk on Earth. Philomena Cunk comes across as an ignorant journalist. She makes all kinds of stupid questions and observations you could imagine. Yet, her, at first sight, nonsensical comments are not only hilarious but thought-provoking.
Comments like "don't worry, it gets better" regarding primitive art forms make you laugh, and honestly, we all looked at that and thought it looked like a child drawing, right? Another example of her kind of humor is in an episode about the Vikings. She muses on the irony of their fearsome reputation despite their love of cute animals like cats and hedgehogs. This type of humor may not be for everyone. Yet, if you enjoy absurdity and unexpected twists on familiar subjects, you'll likely find it entertaining.
Surreal approach to the world’s evolution
Cunk on Earth can not be your particular type of humor, but I found it a lot of fun. It actually gives some information in the middle of all that nonsense comments and questions. In fact, I love the endless patience of experts before Cunk's comments and their ability to keep a serious face.
If you are up to a good laugh, this show is definitely worth checking out. The only downside is that there are only 5 episodes.
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